

High Court Backs Big Money Divorce Wife's Pursuit of Fraudulent Husband

10th March, 2020 By

It is hardly surprising that confidential or privileged documents which have or may have been illegitimately obtained cannot be used in evidence. However, as the High Court made clear in the context of a big money divorce case, that rule does not apply where such documents are likely to assist in exposing a fraudster's schemes. A wife had obtained a record financial award against her husband. He had, however, failed to pay a penny and her legal team was engaged in an international struggle to enforce the debt. A former...

Letting Your Land Go to Rack and Ruin is an Invitation to Squatters

5th March, 2020 By

Letting your land stand vacant, going to rack and ruin, inevitably carries the risk that a squatter will obtain title to it. A woman who inherited a small but strategic strip of land from her builder father came within an ace of suffering that fate. The strip was deliberately retained by the woman's father after his firm constructed a small housing estate in the 1970s. Following its transfer to her, the woman, who lived many miles away, took little or no interest in it. After it became overgrown by weeds,...

Court of Appeal Allows Will Dispute to Proceed

2nd March, 2020 By

There is a general principle that a person may leave their estate to anyone they wish, but legislation exists – the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 – to allow people dependent on a deceased person to claim against the estate if they are not provided for in the will. It is unusual for such cases to be brought by the spouse of the deceased unless they were separated or had fallen out. However, a recent case was an exception. It involved a man whose will, made in...

Government Issues Bailiff and Enforcement Officer Scam Warning

26th February, 2020 By

The Government is warning people to be on alert for fraudsters posing as court bailiffs and enforcement officers on the telephone. After claiming to be County Court bailiffs, High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) or Certificated Enforcement Agents (CEAs), the scammers go on to say that the person they are calling owes money, before demanding that the money be transferred into a bank account. HM Courts and Tribunals Service has confirmed that it will never telephone to ask for bank details or to demand a bank transfer using a sort code and...