
Instant Conveyancing Estimate Calculator

 Get a (no obligation) instant estimate online now before deciding to instruct us. If you find a cheaper estimate elsewhere then please telephone us and we will see if we can match it.

You may be buying selling, remortgaging, extending your lease or intending to simply release equity from your property. Call us today if you wish to discuss your conveyancing need with a Solicitor on 0203 219 0145.

Please note: Our free conveyancing calculator allows you to quickly estimate the cost of buying or selling your property. Once you have entered the required information, a detailed fee estimate will be displayed which will be emailed to you. 

Although every effort has been made to ensure all potential fees and disbursements have been included, this calculator should be used as a guide – individual properties may need additional searches or require more extensive advice. We will always confirm costs with you before beginning work.